Comedy Corner
We have dedicated this section of our website to the lighter side of the financial world. We hope you enjoy this collection of footage and if you have anything you believe would fit into this section, we would love to hear about it.
US Debt Ceiling
If it weren't so serious, the raising of the US Debt Ceiling affair was truly laughable.
Financial Counselling Commercial
An amusing commercial promoting investment counselling - unexpected ending
Banned Life Insurance Commercial
Produced by UK comedians, an amusing life insurance commercial that clearly would not make it to mainstream media. Great British comedy.
Investing into Soft Commodities (alternative view)
2 minute video about the reasons why investors should consider farming from UK comedians (Warning: some coarse language in this video)
Sub Prime Mortgages - The cause of the Global Financial Crisis Explained Simply
Two UK comedians discuss the true causes of the Global Financial Crisis in a very satirical fashion.