Disability Support Pension Changes
- Reduced portability 1 January 2015
Disability Support Pension (DSP) recipients will only be able to receive DSP for a maximum of four weeks in a 12 month period when travelling overseas before their payment is cancelled. This proposal will apply to all DSP recipients who leave Australia from 1 January 2015.
Under current legislation, DSP recipients can receive payments for up to 6 weeks for each overseas trip.
- Increased reviews and participation requirements for DSP recipients under 35 1 July 2014
DSP recipients under age 35 who were granted DSP between 1 January 2008 and 31 December 2011 will be reviewed against current impairment tables and have their work capacity assessed.
Compulsory activities may include:
Work for the Dole
job search
work experience
education or training
connecting with a Disability Employment Service or Job Services Australia.