How to profit from Market Myths

In 1962, President John F Kennedy delivered Yale's graduating class of 1962 a piece of advice that all investors should hold dear:

"The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived and dishonest - but the myth - persisent, persuasive and unrealistic .... We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought"

All too often, investors rely on conventional wisdom.  Ideas that may have been true one dday, which are perhaps not relevant today. For those investors who fail to question the myths they have always believed, danger lies ahead.  On the other hand, great investment opportunities can stem from the continual questioning of conventional wisdom and the dispelling of myths.

This article has been reproduced on our website with the permission from Montgomery Investment Management.

Is discussed the myths surrounding Consumer Packaged Goods, and why they may be a dangerous place to invest.


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